
The University Library - your place for exchange, learning and growth

We would like to welcome all newly enrolled students at OVGU! Get to know the university library with all its possibilities and services - from book loans and e-resources to research assistance. Feel free to drop by for a guided tour on April 01st and 03rd, 2025, both at 11:00 am. We meet in the foyer of the university library.

Scientific works late night

Register now for the ‘Scientific works late night’ on the 4th of April 2025 from 6 pm to 10 pm. The University Library awaits you with a varied programme of consultations, lectures and workshops on the topics of data preparation and visualisation, literature research and management, writing tools, self-organisation, AI tools, plagiarism and publication, and academic work. Numerous internal and external speakers are looking forward to welcoming you with individual formats in German and English. For more information and to register, click here.

New reading material, wherever you need it!

The year 2025 starts with content-rich student fodder: 2,000 new e-books from the publisher Hanser (until 31.10.25), 1,800 from Narr Francke Attempto (until 31.12.25), over 1,500 from Oxford Online (until 31.08.25), 1,000 from Pearson Verlag (until 31.10.25) and over 7,500 new Springer e-books for permanent use. But that's not all! Via the pressreader platform, you can immerse yourself in the world of news and politics, with access to thousands of (inter)national magazines and newspapers - regardless of time and place. And, if you feel like it, your library awaits you with modern individual and group workstations, lovingly designed learning and seating areas and probably the most creative parent-child area.



New employees at the university library

The University Library is not only undergoing external changes, the team is also changing. Several departments have eleven new employees. As several onboarding processes are taking place at the same time, everyone is supporting each other much more intensively and familiarising themselves with each other more quickly. And if any questions remain unanswered, the employees, some of whom have been part of the team for over 40 years, are on hand to provide friendly and patient help and advice. Perhaps you will meet one or two of the new employees at the ‘Scientific Works Late Night’ on the 4th of April 2025 from 6 to 10 p.m. in our library.


#myspot in the university library

In an exciting article in the category "#myspot" of the "'uni:magazin", four of our  employees present their very personal favourite places in the university library. Since its renovation, the library has offered many cosy reading corners, a variety of work options and special retreats that our employees also appreciate. Each of them tells us what makes their favourite spot so special.  Perhaps you too will discover your own favourite place! You can find the whole article here.

Handelsblatt: New Campus License H+ Premium Business

handelsblatt-website Members of OVGU now have free access to the digital Handelsblatt (in German language) based on individual registration. The offer includes unlimited access to all content on and in the app, including full access to paid content, the ePaper, the archive, the newsletter, and the media library.

How to access:

1. Register at using your OVGU email address.
2. Follow the instructions to link the subscription.

A detailed step-by-step guide is also available on the registration page.

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New booking platform for carrels

Bild_AktuellesOVGU students and staff can now reserve carrels via our booking platform using SSO-login. Registered guest users of the University Library please contact the service desk on the ground floor, by telephone on +49 391 67-52925 or by e-mail Further information can be found here.

Last Modification: 13.03.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster