Identifier assignment

Identifiers make it easier to find your publication in catalogs and databases. The University Library is the point of contact for the provision of various identifiers at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.

These include


Comparable to ISBN or ISSN and is a unique and permanent digital identifier for physical, digital or abstract objects. A change of location (change of URL) has no effect on the findability of an object via DOI. DOI names always begin with 10, whereby organizations are each assigned their own prefix. The prefix of the OVGU is: 10.24352


The ISBN is the globally valid identification number for monographic publications. It uniquely identifies products such as printed books and e-books, making them unmistakable.


The ISSN is assigned to serial publications. These include journals, annual reports, publication series and yearbooks. The number, which is only assigned once worldwide by national ISSN centers, enables journals and publication series to be uniquely identified.


The URN is a unique identifier for objects for the permanent identification and reliable citation of online resources. All online publications archived by the German National Library automatically receive a URN. In contrast to URLs, URNs offer a unique and consistent identification of objects, regardless of where they are stored.


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Last Modification: 19.03.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster