New reading material, wherever you need it!
The year 2025 starts with content-rich student fodder: 2,000 new e-books from the publisher Hanser (until 31.10.25), 1,800 from Narr Francke Attempto (until 31.12.25), over 1,500 from Oxford Online (until 31.08.25), 1,000 from Pearson Verlag (until 31.10.25) and over 7,500 new Springer e-books for permanent use. But that's not all! Via the pressreader platform, you can immerse yourself in the world of news and politics, with access to thousands of (inter)national magazines and newspapers - regardless of time and place. And, if you feel like it, your library awaits you with modern individual and group workstations, lovingly designed learning and seating areas and probably the most creative parent-child area.